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Montana First

Below is an overview of my position on key issues. I would love the opportunity to listen and learn from you. If you'd like to discuss these or other issues, please contact me at or 407-1151 so we can arrange a time to connect.

States’ Rights and Small Government

I believe Montanans know best what is right for Montana. I will advocate for a smaller government focused on infrastructure, education, and public safety.


I am pro-life. I also strongly believe that adoption and foster care are key to women and couples in crisis choosing a bright path forward for their child – furthering positive alternatives is a crucial part of advocating for the unborn.

Convention of States

I support the Convention of States Action as defined in Article V of the U.S. Constitution. Federal spending and federal overreach must be reined in; the budget must be balanced. In addition, I believe reasonable term limits should be set for those serving in Congress and the US Senate. Given it is unlikely these bodies will ever impose these standards themselves, Convention of States is the best mechanism to address both term limits and a balanced budget at the federal level.


As a small business owner, I believe in smart investments that create a strong return and in maintaining a balanced budget. I will use my expertise to identify where taxes can be reduced or better invested. In particular, property tax reform must be a top priority when the Montana Legislature convenes in 2025.

The Second Amendment 

I believe in the Second Amendment and will defend your right to keep and bear arms.


I support education that empowers our kids to pursue their natural aptitudes and workforce training for local jobs that pay well. Through strategic education, we can close the skills gap and open new paths to success for our residents and businesses.

Less Regulation

I believe in reducing cumbersome regulations so that our state’s small businesses, the engine of Montana’s economy, can drive workforce and community solutions. 

Defenders of our Freedom

I stand with Montana’s law enforcement officers, active military, and veterans whose sacrifice and service ensure our freedoms.

Support for those in need

Ensuring that programs empower individuals to improve their station in life and contribute to our communities should be a top priority of public assistance and economic development.

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Paid for by Courtenay for Kalispell HD7 - R

PO Box 8315, Kalispell, Montana 59904

Justin Burt, Treasurer


©2021-2024 Courtenay for Kalispell HD7.

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