Given the recent local headlines, below is more information regarding my strong position against illegal immigration and anyone voting illegally in Montana or United States elections. ~Courtenay
Sponsored HB 791: In 2023, Courtenay passed a bill establishing mandatory jail time for convicted fentanyl traffickers. HB 791 targets the Mexican drug cartel flooding Montana with this lethal drug. *
With this law [HB 791] we can whack a few of these dealers and we can send a message,” ~ Attorney General Austin Knudsen
Voted FOR HB 712: Courtenay supported Rep Wirth’s 2023 bill, “Prohibit illegal aliens from voting in Montana elections.” *
Voted FOR HB 402: HB 402 created provisions for the state to act if an illegal immigrant is caught voting in a Montana election. HB 402’s confusing bill title has been used to spread misinformation that Courtenay supports illegals voting in our elections. This is a lie – check the record.* Anyone opposing HB 402 is working against tougher laws for those voting illegally in Montana elections.
*Look up bills at